Appletizing Microsoft All You Need Is Love


The question that's been bugging me lately is this: Why hasn't Microsoft managed to break through with mobile consumer devices? While Apple has been breaking into the enterprise through consumer demand, Microsoft's enterprise tradition hasn't been helping with consumers. Case in point? Windows Phones.
Meanwhile, why do I care? After all, I'm an Apple product enthusiast. Microsoft could make a Surface Book that also baked little loaves of fresh hot bread, but I still wouldn't buy one. Yet the company is starting to produce some interesting products. More to the point, these products seem like they should take off but overall success has been limited to the glow of the Surface Pro 3, which Microsoft just upgraded to the new and forthcoming Surface Pro 4.
Plus, Microsoft has been taking pages out of Apple's playbook I know, it goes both ways like producing an operating system as well as manufacturing the hardware and the company even opened up a bunch of its own retail stores which may not be doing well at all with consumers, as noted by this gleeful pro Apple, unscientific report).
Microsoft isn't giving up, though. It made another bold new move this month when it introduced its own laptop " the Surface Book. The Surface Book not only has a great and simple name, but also comes with an interesting new hinge that lets you use it as a high-powered laptop as well as a tablet. It looks good.
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